Do you dread Monday coming each week? It is a beautiful day today with sunshine and nice temps. If it was just a tad warmer I could wear shorts comfortably. Although a lot of people were wearing shorts on Saturday with sweatshirts or Jackets, I'm like why bother. Why bother wearing shorts if ya have to wear a jacket or long sleeves, looks strange to me. It just stands to reason, at least to me, that if your arms are gonna be cold, wouldn't your legs be cold too? If it is 70 degrees I will wear shorts, but not in the 50's.
To answer my question, no I don't dread Monday coming anymore, like I did when I worked. So for all you out there who are working, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Once you retire you will see that Monday is just like any other day. Everyday is like a weekend. You still have to find things to do to break up the monotony so you don't get bored when you retire. I had an appointment to get some tests done on my eyes this afternoon, so that is what we did today, then back home.
Foot Blurb:
I think I overdid having my foot down yesterday at the shower. When I got home it was thumping pretty good, and even though I kept it up until bedtime it just wouldn't stop hurting. I put ice on it when I got in bed last night and that didn't even help. Even though I was tired I could not go to sleep because it hurt so bad. Finally out of desperation I wrapped it in an ace bandage and it calmed down enough for me to go to sleep. This morning it didn't hurt at all so that must of helped it. The swelling is starting to finally go down, and where my foot was so swelled after surgery, the skin is starting to peel. Now that is really gross, so enough said about that.
I still have flower stuff all over the island in the kitchen from doing the bouquet, and the corsages. I have another bouquet to do for another wedding that I need to get done soon. I don't have the flowers for the next one yet, so I will put everything away, but the tools, floral pins, and floral tape, etc... I have a plastic container that I use for that. When I do flowers I have stuff scattered from one end of the island to the other, kinda of ordered chaos, is there such a thing? Lol! Then when I get the flowers for the other one I will get to play again. I consider it playing anyway, it is fun and relaxing for me. Here are the pics of the corsages and the keepsake bouquet.
The second pic is of Katie and me at the shower! Katie is holding her bouquet, and wearing her corsage. As you can see, she liked them!
The third picture is of the keepsake bouquet that I made for Katie. I can't believe that she is getting married in less than a month! Seems like only yesterday she was 13, the same age one my Grand Daughters is now!
Earth Day:
By the way today is Earth Day! So everyone please be kind to our Earth, no littering. We need to keep it clean for us and every other living thing that lives here. Okay, maybe not for : mosquito's, flies, spiders, fleas, and roaches etc...! I don't like any of them, they're nothing but pests to me! LOL! Unfortunately, they will probably still be here when we're all gone! Happy Earth Day!
Traveling Rvers:
To all of you snow birds migrating North, be careful, and travel safe! To the rest of ya who are stuck for the time being, like us, enjoy what life has to offer! Take a walk or just enjoy being outside if it is nice where you are! Never sit on the sidelines, and let life pass you by. One of the things I have learned is not to take things for granted that you can do now. Keep doing them while you can, that is one thing this foot surgery has taught me! I can't wait to be able to get up, and use my two feet again, and let them carry me across the floor. I hate the feeling of being helpless! Even if I can't walk very far at first, just being able to just walk, and do things around the house will be nice. I have also learned I am not a good patient, just ask Mike! Haha! On that note, I am signing off for today! So until we meet again, see ya's...
1 comment:
Your floral arrangements are beautiful! Nice job!
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