Hi Guys:
Sorry it has been awhile since I last wrote. Due to complications from Celebrex, I have been too tired to be on the computer. It brought all of my Congestive Heart Failure symptoms back. The side effects were not good! I filled up with fluid, I'm talking serious weight gain from the fluid, I could only get into 1 pair of shorts and 1 pair of jeans, and really big shirts. I couldn't figure out why I was gaining weight when I wasn't eating any different! Then too, I had shortness of breath, I couldn't walk up the street without getting out of breath, and then there was the devastating tiredness I felt, I had no energy whatsoever. I just didn't feel like being on the computer, or doing anything. All of these are symptoms of Heart Failure. The only thing that had changed was the Celebrex in my medications. So I went and read the side effects and sure enough they all were listed. Now the doctor knew I had Heart Failure, so why would she put me on this? I was diagnosed with Congestive Heart Failure in December of 2000, and I was really sick. My heart was only working at 10%! My heart function was up to 55 % in 2003 and 60% is considered normal, so I was considered to be pretty close to normal. I quit taking the Celebrex and called my arthritis doctor, it took her 2 days to get back to me! I had to increase my Lasix to get rid of the water weight, and fluid around my heart. I can now get into most of my clothes again after 3 weeks. She said usually Motrin would do that before Celebrex would cause those symptoms, well I have been on Motrin for several years for my arthritis, and never had anything like that. It is a good thing that I recognized the symptoms, and knew what to do or I would have ended up in the hospital. I never want to feel like that again! I am still fighting the debilitating tiredness, and shortness of breath a little bit, but I am better! Needless to say, I was not very happy with the doctor since I haven't had any symptoms with my heart failure since 2003! I am still diagnosed with CHF, but it was considered medically controlled. This was a very scary reminder that I am still very likely to have the symptoms of it. I'll just have to be vigilant in monitoring myself more often. After not having any symptoms of congestive heart failure for 10 years, I guess I got really lax about monitoring myself. It was a really bad scare that I don't want to go through again, and it brought back really bad memories of when I was first diagnosed with heart failure, and how helpless, and alone I felt then. I didn't tell a lot of people I met about my heart failure because I didn't want to be treated so fragile. People do have a tendency to treat you different when they find out you have something like this. I worked really hard to be normal in every way so people wouldn't notice. Only a select few of my really close friends knew about my heart failure until a few years ago. I wasn't ashamed of it, I just didn't want to feel different and like I couldn't keep up with everyone else. I think it was because of going from a very active person running a day care to someone who wasn't allowed to do anything. It doesn't bother me anymore who knows about it now, as long as they don't treat me different and try to do everything for me! Well, just wanted to let you know why I hadn't done a blog for so long, and I am now ready to change the subject, cos I am better!
Now that I am feeling better we are planning several trips. I hope to make the reservations this week. I'll keep you posted on what they are. The 3 older Grand Girls start school this coming Wednesday, and they are all actually excited about it! Little Miss Charli's 3rd birthday party is a week from today! She is so excited about it! Well I think I am going to get off of here and get this posted, so until next time, see ya's...
Sassy's Schooner Saga
About US

- Sassy
- This the story of our journey, Into Something Good, going Somewhere Over the Rainbow, and trying to Hold Onto Our Dreams. How we got on the way to becoming HALF time RVers! Our Ford 350 super duty diesel truck is our horses, we call it the Beast . Our 2008 34'7" 3 slide Cedar Creek Silverback fifth wheel is our Prairie Schooner Wagon,we call it the Bear. Just like the first RVers, the Pioneers of Yesteryear traveling around the country searching for a rich full filling life! Come along with us for the ride and read about our triumphs and mishaps along the way! About to be Part time RVers in a Cedar Creek Silverback 2008, 34'7", 3 slide 5th wheel, which is our Prairie Schooner Wagon, and a 2006 Ford 350 super duty 1 ton diesel truck is our horses, or oxen, only we have to feed it diesel instead of grass, and oats, which costs a lot more! Retired Air Force empty nesters off to see the good ole USA! Favorite Quote: "Life is a Blank Canvas, Made For Me to Add the Colors" Goal: I am trying to add as many colors as I can to my life!
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Friday, August 2, 2013
Home Tomorrow!
Home Tomorrow:
Well it has been a nice relaxing week, and it is off to home tomorrow we go! We really haven't done all that much except sit around and catch up on our reading. The weather has been cool, rainy, and not very conducive to sitting outside most of the days we have been here. However, that has been okay with us. The first 2 days I don't think we even left the fiver, we were that tired. The sun seems to be peeking out today so maybe we'll be able to sit outside for a while this afternoon. I'm sure that will please the dogs, they get bored sitting in the trailer all day. They have still been very good this camping trip though!
Weird Weather:
This has been a really weird week weather wise. I don't think it got out of the 70's up here all week. I'm talking low 70's too. We may have got to sit outside about 3 days of the 7 we were here. The rest of the time it was rainy or windy with a chill in the air. It was 64 degrees this am, and it was supposed to get down to 58 degrees last night. All I know is I woke up at around 5 a.m. and I was freezing. So guess who turned the furnace on? In August?!?! I would never have believed that if someone else had told me it would be cool enough on the 2nd of August to run the furnace in the early morning! I left thermostat on 65, and it still came on a few times before I got up at 8:30 a.m. and I never did go back to sleep. I just laid there and played games on my Kindle. Would of been nice if I could have went back to sleep. This has been the most mixed up Spring and Summer that I ever remember, as far as the weather is concerned. Makes me wonder what Fall and Winter are gonna be like, and I am not looking forward to either one if this Summer is anything to go by!
Ready to Roll:
Well it is time for me to get the inside of the fiver ready to roll, so I'd best get at it. For all you non RVers, that means I have to make sure everything is stowed away so nothing moves around while we are moving down the road. One time we forgot to strap the door on our little extra fridge and when we got to the campground the door was open and all the stuff from the fridge was all over the floor! So we have learned by experience, and some of them are not good experiences either! So I'll be seein' ya's...
Well it has been a nice relaxing week, and it is off to home tomorrow we go! We really haven't done all that much except sit around and catch up on our reading. The weather has been cool, rainy, and not very conducive to sitting outside most of the days we have been here. However, that has been okay with us. The first 2 days I don't think we even left the fiver, we were that tired. The sun seems to be peeking out today so maybe we'll be able to sit outside for a while this afternoon. I'm sure that will please the dogs, they get bored sitting in the trailer all day. They have still been very good this camping trip though!
Weird Weather:
This has been a really weird week weather wise. I don't think it got out of the 70's up here all week. I'm talking low 70's too. We may have got to sit outside about 3 days of the 7 we were here. The rest of the time it was rainy or windy with a chill in the air. It was 64 degrees this am, and it was supposed to get down to 58 degrees last night. All I know is I woke up at around 5 a.m. and I was freezing. So guess who turned the furnace on? In August?!?! I would never have believed that if someone else had told me it would be cool enough on the 2nd of August to run the furnace in the early morning! I left thermostat on 65, and it still came on a few times before I got up at 8:30 a.m. and I never did go back to sleep. I just laid there and played games on my Kindle. Would of been nice if I could have went back to sleep. This has been the most mixed up Spring and Summer that I ever remember, as far as the weather is concerned. Makes me wonder what Fall and Winter are gonna be like, and I am not looking forward to either one if this Summer is anything to go by!
Ready to Roll:
Well it is time for me to get the inside of the fiver ready to roll, so I'd best get at it. For all you non RVers, that means I have to make sure everything is stowed away so nothing moves around while we are moving down the road. One time we forgot to strap the door on our little extra fridge and when we got to the campground the door was open and all the stuff from the fridge was all over the floor! So we have learned by experience, and some of them are not good experiences either! So I'll be seein' ya's...
Monday, July 29, 2013
MIA For A Week
Our Mifi failed, and I could not get online. Yesterday we got a new one, and now we are back in business. I about went nuts without internet. Not that I had time to use it, because running around after a toddler at the lake is anything but relaxing! Haha! I was so frazzled we decided to spend another week here at Indian Lake. LOL! Not used to having a little one around 24/7 anymore.
Camping With Charli:
Charli did just great on her first camping trip, and I'd have to say she loved it! She loved being outside all the time and swimming. She did well potty training and really only had one accident, and that was mostly my fault. We were going to Wally World, and I put her in a diaper over her panties. Then she had a glass of tea, and before we left I gave her a sipper cup to take in the truck with her. We were gone for over 3 hours. When I got her out of her car seat, she was soaked clear up her back, she had flooded everything. Note to self, no more tea, when going any where in the truck. Her poor car seat was sopping wet too! Needless to say she had to have clean everything, and a bath. Other than that she did great with potty training. I just hope our son and his wife are keeping up on it! Otherwise I may be having a big hissey fit when I get home! My back was sure sore from lifting her onto the toilet, and into her car seat every time she had to go potty or we went anywhere. So that is the reason for the extra week of R & R up here at the lake. We changed campsites and are now away from the lake and at a campsite with trees. It has sun and shade and is very serene and relaxing. The pooches are enjoying the grass, and the shade too. Today is the first day we even did anything, all weekend we just vegetated in the fiver. We finally set up our site today, tablecloth, out door rug, and my little cook center outside.
Cool Fall Like Weather:
We have had very cool nights and yesterday was a high of 66 degrees, cloudy, and windy. It was downright chilly outside, and we didn't go outside much. We went to Bellefontaine, Ohio yesterday because our Mifi was due for an upgrade, and we were tired of fighting with the old one. The new one is 4 g and is so much faster than the old one. The difference is amazing! The high today is 73 so far with mixed clouds, light wind, and sun. So when the sun is out it is nice, and when the clouds are overhead it has a bit of a chill in the air. We sat outside for a couple of hours with the dogs, and let them play. Then we came inside so I could get a blog post done. I really felt bad cos I hadn't been able to get online and post one.
Tehya had a good time once she made some new friends with the kids about 6 sites away. Until then I think she was a little bored. They were here until Thursday, so it worked out pretty good since we took the girls home on Friday. I think she could make friends anywhere she goes! After the kids left on Thursday, Tehya found a Monarch butterfly that had been in an accident. It was missing a wing and on further study I saw that it's abdomen was also missing. She said, " I'm going to take care of it, and not let it die and then I'll release it once it is well.". I had to be the bearer of bad news, and tell her it couldn't live missing half of it's body. She was crushed, and sobbed her little heart out. I told her that by taking care of it she could make what time it had left comfortable
and it would know love. She decided to name it Love.
Here is the picture of her with Love.------------------->
She is such a soft hearted little girl, and was so sad about the butterfly. I really felt bad for her, and it is a hard lesson for a child to learn that every animal or insect cannot be saved no matter how much they are loved. She was holding the butterfly, and it fluttered it's wings one last time. I told her it was thanking her for taking care of it and that it was time to let it go to heaven. She cried for quite awhile, and then asked if she could take it home to bury it under her Mom's Butterfly bush, so it would be happy. I told her I thought that was a great idea, and so we fixed a bowl with a lid and put some flowers and grass in it and she took Love home. Unfortunately she didn't have any better time when she got home. Her Mom had to tell her that one of her Hermit crabs died on Thursday too. So Love, the Monarch, and her Hermit crab, Gigi are resting under the Butterfly bush waiting at Rainbow Bridge. Her Mom told me they got her another Hermit crab, but sometimes she is still sad about Love and Gigi. Bless her heart, I hope she will always care about animals and all living things.
I think this post has caught you all up to date on our doings so far this second week of camping, so this is a good place to say: See Ya's...
Our Mifi failed, and I could not get online. Yesterday we got a new one, and now we are back in business. I about went nuts without internet. Not that I had time to use it, because running around after a toddler at the lake is anything but relaxing! Haha! I was so frazzled we decided to spend another week here at Indian Lake. LOL! Not used to having a little one around 24/7 anymore.
Camping With Charli:
Charli did just great on her first camping trip, and I'd have to say she loved it! She loved being outside all the time and swimming. She did well potty training and really only had one accident, and that was mostly my fault. We were going to Wally World, and I put her in a diaper over her panties. Then she had a glass of tea, and before we left I gave her a sipper cup to take in the truck with her. We were gone for over 3 hours. When I got her out of her car seat, she was soaked clear up her back, she had flooded everything. Note to self, no more tea, when going any where in the truck. Her poor car seat was sopping wet too! Needless to say she had to have clean everything, and a bath. Other than that she did great with potty training. I just hope our son and his wife are keeping up on it! Otherwise I may be having a big hissey fit when I get home! My back was sure sore from lifting her onto the toilet, and into her car seat every time she had to go potty or we went anywhere. So that is the reason for the extra week of R & R up here at the lake. We changed campsites and are now away from the lake and at a campsite with trees. It has sun and shade and is very serene and relaxing. The pooches are enjoying the grass, and the shade too. Today is the first day we even did anything, all weekend we just vegetated in the fiver. We finally set up our site today, tablecloth, out door rug, and my little cook center outside.
Cool Fall Like Weather:
We have had very cool nights and yesterday was a high of 66 degrees, cloudy, and windy. It was downright chilly outside, and we didn't go outside much. We went to Bellefontaine, Ohio yesterday because our Mifi was due for an upgrade, and we were tired of fighting with the old one. The new one is 4 g and is so much faster than the old one. The difference is amazing! The high today is 73 so far with mixed clouds, light wind, and sun. So when the sun is out it is nice, and when the clouds are overhead it has a bit of a chill in the air. We sat outside for a couple of hours with the dogs, and let them play. Then we came inside so I could get a blog post done. I really felt bad cos I hadn't been able to get online and post one.
Tehya had a good time once she made some new friends with the kids about 6 sites away. Until then I think she was a little bored. They were here until Thursday, so it worked out pretty good since we took the girls home on Friday. I think she could make friends anywhere she goes! After the kids left on Thursday, Tehya found a Monarch butterfly that had been in an accident. It was missing a wing and on further study I saw that it's abdomen was also missing. She said, " I'm going to take care of it, and not let it die and then I'll release it once it is well.". I had to be the bearer of bad news, and tell her it couldn't live missing half of it's body. She was crushed, and sobbed her little heart out. I told her that by taking care of it she could make what time it had left comfortable
and it would know love. She decided to name it Love.
Here is the picture of her with Love.------------------->
She is such a soft hearted little girl, and was so sad about the butterfly. I really felt bad for her, and it is a hard lesson for a child to learn that every animal or insect cannot be saved no matter how much they are loved. She was holding the butterfly, and it fluttered it's wings one last time. I told her it was thanking her for taking care of it and that it was time to let it go to heaven. She cried for quite awhile, and then asked if she could take it home to bury it under her Mom's Butterfly bush, so it would be happy. I told her I thought that was a great idea, and so we fixed a bowl with a lid and put some flowers and grass in it and she took Love home. Unfortunately she didn't have any better time when she got home. Her Mom had to tell her that one of her Hermit crabs died on Thursday too. So Love, the Monarch, and her Hermit crab, Gigi are resting under the Butterfly bush waiting at Rainbow Bridge. Her Mom told me they got her another Hermit crab, but sometimes she is still sad about Love and Gigi. Bless her heart, I hope she will always care about animals and all living things.
I think this post has caught you all up to date on our doings so far this second week of camping, so this is a good place to say: See Ya's...
Saturday, July 20, 2013
Two Hour Shopping Trip Turns Into Almost 7 Hour Trip!!!!!!'
Long Shopping Trip:
My friend Sue and I were making a trip to Wally World and Meijer's today. We left around 12:30 p.m.She needed to stop at her credit union, and then we were going to go to the stores, and have lunch. So she got out of the car at the credit union, and said "I'm going to turn it off because I don't want it to overheat." I said, "fine." Turns out that was a big mistake! When she got back in and turned the key, nothing happened! After several tries and nothing she said she was going to call her son. He was at work, so she called her daughter in law. Amy came over and was going to jump the battery with her jumper cables. Then when she opened up the hood, they couldn't find her battery! Lol! I don't know what kind of car she had, and she knows how to use the cables to jump a car, but they looked for a good 10 minutes and still couldn't find it. So Amy decided to ask this other lady if she could jump the battery for us. Well that wasn't a problem, so she did, and guess what happened, nothing again! So we thanked her, and she went on her way. Amy said she would take us home so Sue could get her other car, and then she would call Triple A. Then she said never mind, she would take us up to Sue's son's work. We got there, and then he said," well why didn't you just go buy a battery?" Come on ya got 3 women here, and we don't know nothin' about diagnosing what is wrong with a car! We finally had a good laugh about the fact that we couldn't find the battery in Amy's car. When she asked her hubby, he said, " I think it is under one of the seats", but he wasn't sure which without the owners manual! I have never heard of that before. So we ended up at Wal Mart and he got a battery, then we went back and he installed it for his Mom. It started right up! He looked on the battery, and it said 2006! So I guess it was due! Everything was just like a comedy of errors today. Long story short we eventually got to the stores but several hours later! Lol! First we decided we needed lunch, so we stopped at Fricker's, and had a salad. Also because we had such a traumatic afternoon, lol, we each had a beer! Haha! Well that's my story and I'm sticking to it! Lol! After eating and having our beer we were finally able to laugh about it and continue on with our shopping! We finally got home at 7p.m. this evening! I didn't get anything done in the fiver today, or packed for our trip on Monday, but it sure was an interesting afternoon!
Sour Lemons, or Lemonade:
I guess the reason I went through the whole story was this: when something like that happens do you grumble, and get mad, or do you see the humor in a situation? Granted, Sue wasn't planning on spending an extra $100.00 on a new battery, and it wasn't so funny while it was happening, but we could see the humor in it! It wasn't worth getting all mad and depressed about it and we had a good laugh. So we had a little of both today, a few sour lemons, and then some lemonade, or in our case a beer! Hehe! For the most part in was a fun adventure, even though it took a long time to explain! The way it happened each step was funny, and I'm sure I probably left out some key parts. But, maybe it was one of those moments that you had to be there to get the gist of it, but in the end we had a good time and a few laughs about it too. All I could think about while all this was going on was the theme song to Gilligan's Island, where they went out for a 2 hour tour! Haha! Mike said he was about ready to start calling places. I did try to call him to tell him to go ahead and eat, but his phone didn't get the call.
Now tomorrow I will have to work double time to get caught up since I was gone all afternoon today. I still need to figure out some kind of a menu, and get groceries, and the fiver is still a mess from the sleepover last weekend! I need to get some laundry done too. Let's face it, I'm gonna be running around like a chicken with it's head cut off!! It was just too hot this week to work out there in the fiver with no air. I hope it won't be so hot and humid since it rained today, and I can get out there tomorrow and then get stuff packed. Most everything is is still in there except for the food we lost, so I hope it won't take too long! Well this is gonna be a wrap for now. So I'll see ya's...
My friend Sue and I were making a trip to Wally World and Meijer's today. We left around 12:30 p.m.She needed to stop at her credit union, and then we were going to go to the stores, and have lunch. So she got out of the car at the credit union, and said "I'm going to turn it off because I don't want it to overheat." I said, "fine." Turns out that was a big mistake! When she got back in and turned the key, nothing happened! After several tries and nothing she said she was going to call her son. He was at work, so she called her daughter in law. Amy came over and was going to jump the battery with her jumper cables. Then when she opened up the hood, they couldn't find her battery! Lol! I don't know what kind of car she had, and she knows how to use the cables to jump a car, but they looked for a good 10 minutes and still couldn't find it. So Amy decided to ask this other lady if she could jump the battery for us. Well that wasn't a problem, so she did, and guess what happened, nothing again! So we thanked her, and she went on her way. Amy said she would take us home so Sue could get her other car, and then she would call Triple A. Then she said never mind, she would take us up to Sue's son's work. We got there, and then he said," well why didn't you just go buy a battery?" Come on ya got 3 women here, and we don't know nothin' about diagnosing what is wrong with a car! We finally had a good laugh about the fact that we couldn't find the battery in Amy's car. When she asked her hubby, he said, " I think it is under one of the seats", but he wasn't sure which without the owners manual! I have never heard of that before. So we ended up at Wal Mart and he got a battery, then we went back and he installed it for his Mom. It started right up! He looked on the battery, and it said 2006! So I guess it was due! Everything was just like a comedy of errors today. Long story short we eventually got to the stores but several hours later! Lol! First we decided we needed lunch, so we stopped at Fricker's, and had a salad. Also because we had such a traumatic afternoon, lol, we each had a beer! Haha! Well that's my story and I'm sticking to it! Lol! After eating and having our beer we were finally able to laugh about it and continue on with our shopping! We finally got home at 7p.m. this evening! I didn't get anything done in the fiver today, or packed for our trip on Monday, but it sure was an interesting afternoon!
Sour Lemons, or Lemonade:
I guess the reason I went through the whole story was this: when something like that happens do you grumble, and get mad, or do you see the humor in a situation? Granted, Sue wasn't planning on spending an extra $100.00 on a new battery, and it wasn't so funny while it was happening, but we could see the humor in it! It wasn't worth getting all mad and depressed about it and we had a good laugh. So we had a little of both today, a few sour lemons, and then some lemonade, or in our case a beer! Hehe! For the most part in was a fun adventure, even though it took a long time to explain! The way it happened each step was funny, and I'm sure I probably left out some key parts. But, maybe it was one of those moments that you had to be there to get the gist of it, but in the end we had a good time and a few laughs about it too. All I could think about while all this was going on was the theme song to Gilligan's Island, where they went out for a 2 hour tour! Haha! Mike said he was about ready to start calling places. I did try to call him to tell him to go ahead and eat, but his phone didn't get the call.
Now tomorrow I will have to work double time to get caught up since I was gone all afternoon today. I still need to figure out some kind of a menu, and get groceries, and the fiver is still a mess from the sleepover last weekend! I need to get some laundry done too. Let's face it, I'm gonna be running around like a chicken with it's head cut off!! It was just too hot this week to work out there in the fiver with no air. I hope it won't be so hot and humid since it rained today, and I can get out there tomorrow and then get stuff packed. Most everything is is still in there except for the food we lost, so I hope it won't take too long! Well this is gonna be a wrap for now. So I'll see ya's...
Thursday, July 18, 2013
We're Having A Heat Wave!
Heat Wave:
After all the posts I complained about cold weather this Winter and Spring I will not complain about it being very warm! We hit 91 today! I'm lovin' it as long as I have AC! We were out in the heat yesterday, and it was pretty intense, and energy draining. But, I'm of the mind that I'd rather have this than cold. Tonight I had to go out and water all my hanging baskets and potted plants on the patio, they were very droopy and wilted from the heat. For some reason while I was out there, the mosquitoes were starving, and seemed to think they should make a meal out of me! Ouch! I wasn't liking that at all. Lol! To this day I have never figured out the purpose for mosquitoes, fleas, ticks, flies, and roaches! I certainly can't see that they do any good for the earth, or us humans. The first 4 cause misery with their bites to mankind, and roaches are just disgusting and gross! They're even worse than spiders, which I don't like, and don't want to be intimate with. At least I can see that most spiders do some good, and eat other bugs. As long as they don't get close to me I can co-exist with spiders. If they don't want to get cozy with me, I'm fine with them. If they get to close, they're gonna be a DEAD spider! Cos, I got a shoe, and I'm not afraid to use it! Haha!
We're talking about August, and making plans for some traveling! When we come back from Indian Lake next Friday, we're going to be going to a few places just the 2 of us and the dogs in August. I am looking forward to getting away for a while. Where do you like to go in the summer to cool off? Unfortunately we won't be going too far. If I had my pick, I'd love to go back up to the Upper Peninsula in Michigan. We were stationed up in Sault St Marie, when we first got married, and Mike was in the Air Force. I never liked the Winter up there, we had snow up to the window sills from October to April! That is probably when I started hating Winter! Anyway, the Summer up there was usually nice. That is, as long as you slathered yourself with mosquito repellent. I swear the mosquitoes were about as big as the humming birds are here! Lol! If one of them got ya, you almost needed a blood transfusion! haha! No, I'm just kidding you! If you have never been up there it is a real experience, and one that I'd love to repeat. In the summer that is! The scenery was so pure and green, of course I can't say what it is like now, but I'd love to go up there for about 2 to 3 weeks sometime to find out.
I know one thing, I think that is when I developed my fear of long bridges! The Mackinac bridge that connects lower Michigan to the Upper Peninsula terrifies me! You can feel it swaying when it is windy, and it is always windy on that lake. Every time we came home for a visit, when we were stationed up there, Mike would have to stop the car a couple of miles before we got to the bridge. Then I would lay down in the back seat, and close my eyes, so I couldn't see how high up I was, and how much water there was under the bridge. It wasn't too bad if I couldn't see it, but I could still feel the bridge swaying. I imagine I would have to do something like that again, or at least keep my eyes shut the whole time we were on the bridge. That doesn't stop me from wanting to go back though. That is one place that is on the list to go to next summer.
So back to next month, I think we're going to go to Alum Creek state park for a week near Columbus. We can visit with Mike's Mom while were there. Then maybe to a little campground in Lancaster, Ohio for a week, and we'll be close enough to visit with my parents then in Circleville, Ohio. Then we'll head up to Berlin, Ohio, and Amish country. That is for August. Then in September we hope to go somewhere for our Anniversary. We haven't got that far in the plans yet, and we have to start making reservations for the August trips first. I should probably get started on the reservations next weekend, just to be sure we can get in. So I imagine you'll be hearing about that as we narrow the down the time.
Today I had Miss Charlotte (Charli) from 8:30 a.m. to about 4 p.m. She went potty 3 times, what a good girl! I took her picture with her stickers, and she was so proud of herself! Tomorrow will be an early day starting at 5:45 in the a.m. Hopefully she'll do the same for me tomorrow. I asked my son when I was watering the flowers, if she had went potty for him. He said no every time he asked her, she said she didn't have to go! What! I'm going to have to have a serious talk with that boy! Of course she doesn't want to go, it interferes with what she is doing. I told him you don't ask, you just put her on the potty, no choice for her! I then told him that he is undoing all that I accomplish with her during the day if he doesn't just put her on the potty, and not ask if she wants to go. Grrr! She'll be 3 next month, and she can do it, she's just lazy, and so are they! I've been trying to get them to potty train her for months! I hope I'm not fighting an uphill battle. I plan on her being pretty much potty trained when we come back from the lake next Friday. I hope I don't have to train them to finish training her! Lol!
Well guys, I think I am about out of words for tonight. So hang in there. Ya'll, tomorrow is Friday! So I'll be seein' ya's ...
After all the posts I complained about cold weather this Winter and Spring I will not complain about it being very warm! We hit 91 today! I'm lovin' it as long as I have AC! We were out in the heat yesterday, and it was pretty intense, and energy draining. But, I'm of the mind that I'd rather have this than cold. Tonight I had to go out and water all my hanging baskets and potted plants on the patio, they were very droopy and wilted from the heat. For some reason while I was out there, the mosquitoes were starving, and seemed to think they should make a meal out of me! Ouch! I wasn't liking that at all. Lol! To this day I have never figured out the purpose for mosquitoes, fleas, ticks, flies, and roaches! I certainly can't see that they do any good for the earth, or us humans. The first 4 cause misery with their bites to mankind, and roaches are just disgusting and gross! They're even worse than spiders, which I don't like, and don't want to be intimate with. At least I can see that most spiders do some good, and eat other bugs. As long as they don't get close to me I can co-exist with spiders. If they don't want to get cozy with me, I'm fine with them. If they get to close, they're gonna be a DEAD spider! Cos, I got a shoe, and I'm not afraid to use it! Haha!
We're talking about August, and making plans for some traveling! When we come back from Indian Lake next Friday, we're going to be going to a few places just the 2 of us and the dogs in August. I am looking forward to getting away for a while. Where do you like to go in the summer to cool off? Unfortunately we won't be going too far. If I had my pick, I'd love to go back up to the Upper Peninsula in Michigan. We were stationed up in Sault St Marie, when we first got married, and Mike was in the Air Force. I never liked the Winter up there, we had snow up to the window sills from October to April! That is probably when I started hating Winter! Anyway, the Summer up there was usually nice. That is, as long as you slathered yourself with mosquito repellent. I swear the mosquitoes were about as big as the humming birds are here! Lol! If one of them got ya, you almost needed a blood transfusion! haha! No, I'm just kidding you! If you have never been up there it is a real experience, and one that I'd love to repeat. In the summer that is! The scenery was so pure and green, of course I can't say what it is like now, but I'd love to go up there for about 2 to 3 weeks sometime to find out.
I know one thing, I think that is when I developed my fear of long bridges! The Mackinac bridge that connects lower Michigan to the Upper Peninsula terrifies me! You can feel it swaying when it is windy, and it is always windy on that lake. Every time we came home for a visit, when we were stationed up there, Mike would have to stop the car a couple of miles before we got to the bridge. Then I would lay down in the back seat, and close my eyes, so I couldn't see how high up I was, and how much water there was under the bridge. It wasn't too bad if I couldn't see it, but I could still feel the bridge swaying. I imagine I would have to do something like that again, or at least keep my eyes shut the whole time we were on the bridge. That doesn't stop me from wanting to go back though. That is one place that is on the list to go to next summer.
So back to next month, I think we're going to go to Alum Creek state park for a week near Columbus. We can visit with Mike's Mom while were there. Then maybe to a little campground in Lancaster, Ohio for a week, and we'll be close enough to visit with my parents then in Circleville, Ohio. Then we'll head up to Berlin, Ohio, and Amish country. That is for August. Then in September we hope to go somewhere for our Anniversary. We haven't got that far in the plans yet, and we have to start making reservations for the August trips first. I should probably get started on the reservations next weekend, just to be sure we can get in. So I imagine you'll be hearing about that as we narrow the down the time.
Today I had Miss Charlotte (Charli) from 8:30 a.m. to about 4 p.m. She went potty 3 times, what a good girl! I took her picture with her stickers, and she was so proud of herself! Tomorrow will be an early day starting at 5:45 in the a.m. Hopefully she'll do the same for me tomorrow. I asked my son when I was watering the flowers, if she had went potty for him. He said no every time he asked her, she said she didn't have to go! What! I'm going to have to have a serious talk with that boy! Of course she doesn't want to go, it interferes with what she is doing. I told him you don't ask, you just put her on the potty, no choice for her! I then told him that he is undoing all that I accomplish with her during the day if he doesn't just put her on the potty, and not ask if she wants to go. Grrr! She'll be 3 next month, and she can do it, she's just lazy, and so are they! I've been trying to get them to potty train her for months! I hope I'm not fighting an uphill battle. I plan on her being pretty much potty trained when we come back from the lake next Friday. I hope I don't have to train them to finish training her! Lol!
Well guys, I think I am about out of words for tonight. So hang in there. Ya'll, tomorrow is Friday! So I'll be seein' ya's ...
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Sleepover, Sammy Update, and Today!
We had fun on the Sunday night sleepover, but it sure was hot and humid! We can't use the AC in the fiver in the driveway, it trips the circuit breaker every time! So it didn't cool off until about 3 a.m. How do I know that, you ask, well I was still up! We started watching movies at about 9 p.m. Sunday night and they were both chick flicks. We started out with Roger's and Hammerstein's Cinderella. The one with Lesley Ann Warren in it. The girls had never seen it, so they watched it to appease me. There was a bit of grumbling about all the singing, the costumes, and they agreed that the step sisters really were ugly! Haha! They weren't too impressed with all the singing, but they liked the story. The only one they had seen was the cartoon one. When it was over Kara said, "Gma there are sure no Prince's like that nowadays!" I told her that's why it was called a fairy tale! Lol! We do all like romantic movies. Then Kara had brought the new Footloose movie. I hadn't seen it, so we watched that. It was pretty good, but I still liked the first one better. I couldn't find my copy so we could watch it, next time I will get it from the library, cos Kara wanted to see the original one, too. It pretty much followed the first one, with a few minor exceptions. Now to the burning question, who fell asleep first? Well Miss Tehya fell asleep about midnight. Kara, Autumn and I were joking and laughing and she woke up about 1:30 a.m. She is usually the last one to fall asleep! We finally went to bed about an hour later. So I was still reading at 3 a.m. and that answers the question how I knew when it cooled down! Lol! Needless to say when my alarm went off at 8 a.m. I didn't want to get up! Charli was coming out at 8:30, so I had to whether I wanted to or not! I brought her into the house and let the girls sleep. Eventually they all three straggled in, at various times, still in their pj's.
We had fun on the Sunday night sleepover, but it sure was hot and humid! We can't use the AC in the fiver in the driveway, it trips the circuit breaker every time! So it didn't cool off until about 3 a.m. How do I know that, you ask, well I was still up! We started watching movies at about 9 p.m. Sunday night and they were both chick flicks. We started out with Roger's and Hammerstein's Cinderella. The one with Lesley Ann Warren in it. The girls had never seen it, so they watched it to appease me. There was a bit of grumbling about all the singing, the costumes, and they agreed that the step sisters really were ugly! Haha! They weren't too impressed with all the singing, but they liked the story. The only one they had seen was the cartoon one. When it was over Kara said, "Gma there are sure no Prince's like that nowadays!" I told her that's why it was called a fairy tale! Lol! We do all like romantic movies. Then Kara had brought the new Footloose movie. I hadn't seen it, so we watched that. It was pretty good, but I still liked the first one better. I couldn't find my copy so we could watch it, next time I will get it from the library, cos Kara wanted to see the original one, too. It pretty much followed the first one, with a few minor exceptions. Now to the burning question, who fell asleep first? Well Miss Tehya fell asleep about midnight. Kara, Autumn and I were joking and laughing and she woke up about 1:30 a.m. She is usually the last one to fall asleep! We finally went to bed about an hour later. So I was still reading at 3 a.m. and that answers the question how I knew when it cooled down! Lol! Needless to say when my alarm went off at 8 a.m. I didn't want to get up! Charli was coming out at 8:30, so I had to whether I wanted to or not! I brought her into the house and let the girls sleep. Eventually they all three straggled in, at various times, still in their pj's.
Sammy Update:
Sammy the blue front Amazon is doing well! He had his beak trimmed, his toenails and wings clipped and had a shower. He wasn't impressed with anything but the shower, that he loved! Sammy was always mean and tried to bite us, and would never come out of his cage for us. Their daughter just stuck her hand in his cage and he stepped right up on her arm! She cuddled with him under her chin for quite a while. I would have thought he would have went for her jugular vein! I was amazed when Steve called me and told me about it! It just goes to show you, that sometimes it takes someone new for them to bond with you. Maybe he sensed that we weren't his forever owners, just caregivers until he got well. He said that Sammy was making himself at home and had roast beef and mashed potatoes with them when they had supper! I think he must have been in heaven, and loved it! I hope he continues to do well and be loved, and that his story has a happy ever after ending!!!!!
Sammy the blue front Amazon is doing well! He had his beak trimmed, his toenails and wings clipped and had a shower. He wasn't impressed with anything but the shower, that he loved! Sammy was always mean and tried to bite us, and would never come out of his cage for us. Their daughter just stuck her hand in his cage and he stepped right up on her arm! She cuddled with him under her chin for quite a while. I would have thought he would have went for her jugular vein! I was amazed when Steve called me and told me about it! It just goes to show you, that sometimes it takes someone new for them to bond with you. Maybe he sensed that we weren't his forever owners, just caregivers until he got well. He said that Sammy was making himself at home and had roast beef and mashed potatoes with them when they had supper! I think he must have been in heaven, and loved it! I hope he continues to do well and be loved, and that his story has a happy ever after ending!!!!!
Today I got Miss Charli at 5:45 a.m. and then Autumn and Tehya came about 7:30. Chari was a very big girl and went potty 3 times for me, on the potty chair that is, today. Each time after she went she got 3 M & M's. Then she would ask me if I was happy? That was so cute and of course I told her I was and that she was a very good girl. She is going to be a little people person I think, but only if she likes it too! She can be very stubborn, and she gets that from both of her parents, so she got a double dose! Haha! We really didn't go outside today since it was so warm. Mommy came and got Charli after lunch and then Tehya, Autumn and I went to Dollar General to get a couple of things. My cheater glasses broke and I had to get a new pair. It is terrible getting old. I have a perfectly good pair of prescription glasses, but they are bifocals, and I get dizzy if I try to walk in them and I can't read in bed with them. In order for me to read with them in bed, I have to have my neck at an unnatural angle. It makes me get a crick in my neck and then my neck is sore the next day, so that is why I use the magnifying glasses.
Today I got Miss Charli at 5:45 a.m. and then Autumn and Tehya came about 7:30. Chari was a very big girl and went potty 3 times for me, on the potty chair that is, today. Each time after she went she got 3 M & M's. Then she would ask me if I was happy? That was so cute and of course I told her I was and that she was a very good girl. She is going to be a little people person I think, but only if she likes it too! She can be very stubborn, and she gets that from both of her parents, so she got a double dose! Haha! We really didn't go outside today since it was so warm. Mommy came and got Charli after lunch and then Tehya, Autumn and I went to Dollar General to get a couple of things. My cheater glasses broke and I had to get a new pair. It is terrible getting old. I have a perfectly good pair of prescription glasses, but they are bifocals, and I get dizzy if I try to walk in them and I can't read in bed with them. In order for me to read with them in bed, I have to have my neck at an unnatural angle. It makes me get a crick in my neck and then my neck is sore the next day, so that is why I use the magnifying glasses.
Tomorrow I have to start making my list for the trip with Charli and Tehya. I have to start getting ready, or else I'll forget something! I want to have things in the fiver by Sunday night, or else I'll forget something! Then we will leave on next Monday!
Jake is saying "Good night, pretty boy, so I think I will put this post to bed too. Ya'll take care and be safe traveling, and I'll be seein' Ya's...
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Yesterday, and Today
Most of yesterday was spent relaxing and waiting on a phone call. At about 1:30 p.m. we got the phone call and left to meet Steve. He was going to take the bird that we had taken care of to the vet and then to his new family. They run a bird sanctuary and adopt birds directly into new homes instead of keeping them and housing them in a building. Sammy is a blue front Amazon parrot, and we took him to try to get him healthy when he was in danger of dying. He wasn't being fed but about once or twice a week. The people didn't want him. I wish people would research animals before they get a pet. Parrots live a long time, Amazons if well taken care of can live upwards of 30 years or more. My Amazon, Jake is at least 20 years old. Our Cockatoo, Paco is about 20 also and he could live up to 50 to 60 years if well taken care of. I don't understand why people think of pets as a throw away or, a give away item when they get tired of them. Anyway, back to Sammy, when we took him we didn't think he would live more than a week, he was very emaciated and weak. We put him in our living room to keep him away from our birds, in case he had something that was catching. Also, we could watch him and see if and what he ate. He literally attacked any food you put in front of him. From then on he ate regularly and filled back out nicely. He would beg for our food every time we ate, and we gave him anything he wanted, except things that were bad for him. Things like chocolate, avocado's, and apple seeds can kill a bird. He was still very aggressive with us but he started talking again. Finally after a couple of months we put him in the same room with our birds. It was funny, because he and Jake would try to out talk each other, so we had a lot of laughs with them doing that. Jake has been really quiet today, no doubt he misses Sammy. We simply didn't have room in our 35' fifth wheel for 3 birds and 2 dogs. It wasn't that we couldn't take care of another bird, but the room factor and I believe that if you have a pet it should be with you, not sitting home alone with just someone stopping by every day to make sure it has food and water. Besides that, Sammy is a cool bird and he deserves to be the center of attention in a house. I hope he adapts to his new home quickly, and I will be kept informed of the results of his vet visit and his progress in his new home. I hope it will be a win win situation all the way around. Mike will meet Steve tomorrow to pick up our travel cage from him. Sammy has a very nice cage that went with him, but it was about 5 ft tall, and had to be laid down to transported. So that's why he was in our travel cage. We knew we couldn't keep him when we took him, due to our lifestyle of part time Rving. Not to mention we didn't think he was going to live at the time, he truly must have just needed food and love. So no, we didn't desert him, he was never meant to be our bird. We were just temporary care givers, and we were lucky that he lived. So I really hope this story has a happy ending! Sammy deserves one, he overcame great odds just to live.
Today is Sunday, and tonight is sleepover at Gma's! We girls are going to move to the fifth wheel tonight. Even though it is just in the driveway, we've had many sleepovers like this and lot's of fun! We haven't done this all summer so I thought it would be fun to just spend time and reconnect with all my girls! Charli will be joining us in the morning at about 8 a.m. to be in the fiver for a while before we leave a week from tomorrow for Indian lake. I want to have Charli spend time with me, and Tehya in the fifth wheel so she will be used to it when we go. I think if we spend a little bit of time everyday in the fiver, before we go she'll be used to being in there, and not think anything of it. At least that is my thinking, and the plan, wish me luck! Lol I may need it! I am going to grill hamburgers for dinner tonight, for Mike and I, the girls will eat before they come over at about 7- 7:30 ish. Then let the fun begin! I have all their favorite snacks, drinks etc... I plan to spoil them, and we're gonna have snacks and watch dvd's all evening! So who do you think will be the first to crash? Me, Kara, Autumn, or Tehya? I'll tell ya tomorrow! Haha!
I am gonna call this post done, and go finish some unfun stuff, like dishes, and things like that... See even Grand ma's have to do chores before they can have fun too! So I'll tell ya what happened with the sleepover tomorrow! I just know you can't wait! Haha! It's all about the memories, I want them to remember all the crazy fun things we did, and smile when they think about it! So until tomorrow, See ya's...
Most of yesterday was spent relaxing and waiting on a phone call. At about 1:30 p.m. we got the phone call and left to meet Steve. He was going to take the bird that we had taken care of to the vet and then to his new family. They run a bird sanctuary and adopt birds directly into new homes instead of keeping them and housing them in a building. Sammy is a blue front Amazon parrot, and we took him to try to get him healthy when he was in danger of dying. He wasn't being fed but about once or twice a week. The people didn't want him. I wish people would research animals before they get a pet. Parrots live a long time, Amazons if well taken care of can live upwards of 30 years or more. My Amazon, Jake is at least 20 years old. Our Cockatoo, Paco is about 20 also and he could live up to 50 to 60 years if well taken care of. I don't understand why people think of pets as a throw away or, a give away item when they get tired of them. Anyway, back to Sammy, when we took him we didn't think he would live more than a week, he was very emaciated and weak. We put him in our living room to keep him away from our birds, in case he had something that was catching. Also, we could watch him and see if and what he ate. He literally attacked any food you put in front of him. From then on he ate regularly and filled back out nicely. He would beg for our food every time we ate, and we gave him anything he wanted, except things that were bad for him. Things like chocolate, avocado's, and apple seeds can kill a bird. He was still very aggressive with us but he started talking again. Finally after a couple of months we put him in the same room with our birds. It was funny, because he and Jake would try to out talk each other, so we had a lot of laughs with them doing that. Jake has been really quiet today, no doubt he misses Sammy. We simply didn't have room in our 35' fifth wheel for 3 birds and 2 dogs. It wasn't that we couldn't take care of another bird, but the room factor and I believe that if you have a pet it should be with you, not sitting home alone with just someone stopping by every day to make sure it has food and water. Besides that, Sammy is a cool bird and he deserves to be the center of attention in a house. I hope he adapts to his new home quickly, and I will be kept informed of the results of his vet visit and his progress in his new home. I hope it will be a win win situation all the way around. Mike will meet Steve tomorrow to pick up our travel cage from him. Sammy has a very nice cage that went with him, but it was about 5 ft tall, and had to be laid down to transported. So that's why he was in our travel cage. We knew we couldn't keep him when we took him, due to our lifestyle of part time Rving. Not to mention we didn't think he was going to live at the time, he truly must have just needed food and love. So no, we didn't desert him, he was never meant to be our bird. We were just temporary care givers, and we were lucky that he lived. So I really hope this story has a happy ending! Sammy deserves one, he overcame great odds just to live.
Today is Sunday, and tonight is sleepover at Gma's! We girls are going to move to the fifth wheel tonight. Even though it is just in the driveway, we've had many sleepovers like this and lot's of fun! We haven't done this all summer so I thought it would be fun to just spend time and reconnect with all my girls! Charli will be joining us in the morning at about 8 a.m. to be in the fiver for a while before we leave a week from tomorrow for Indian lake. I want to have Charli spend time with me, and Tehya in the fifth wheel so she will be used to it when we go. I think if we spend a little bit of time everyday in the fiver, before we go she'll be used to being in there, and not think anything of it. At least that is my thinking, and the plan, wish me luck! Lol I may need it! I am going to grill hamburgers for dinner tonight, for Mike and I, the girls will eat before they come over at about 7- 7:30 ish. Then let the fun begin! I have all their favorite snacks, drinks etc... I plan to spoil them, and we're gonna have snacks and watch dvd's all evening! So who do you think will be the first to crash? Me, Kara, Autumn, or Tehya? I'll tell ya tomorrow! Haha!
I am gonna call this post done, and go finish some unfun stuff, like dishes, and things like that... See even Grand ma's have to do chores before they can have fun too! So I'll tell ya what happened with the sleepover tomorrow! I just know you can't wait! Haha! It's all about the memories, I want them to remember all the crazy fun things we did, and smile when they think about it! So until tomorrow, See ya's...
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