About US

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This the story of our journey, Into Something Good, going Somewhere Over the Rainbow, and trying to Hold Onto Our Dreams. How we got on the way to becoming HALF time RVers! Our Ford 350 super duty diesel truck is our horses, we call it the Beast . Our 2008 34'7" 3 slide Cedar Creek Silverback fifth wheel is our Prairie Schooner Wagon,we call it the Bear. Just like the first RVers, the Pioneers of Yesteryear traveling around the country searching for a rich full filling life! Come along with us for the ride and read about our triumphs and mishaps along the way! About to be Part time RVers in a Cedar Creek Silverback 2008, 34'7", 3 slide 5th wheel, which is our Prairie Schooner Wagon, and a 2006 Ford 350 super duty 1 ton diesel truck is our horses, or oxen, only we have to feed it diesel instead of grass, and oats, which costs a lot more! Retired Air Force empty nesters off to see the good ole USA! Favorite Quote: "Life is a Blank Canvas, Made For Me to Add the Colors" Goal: I am trying to add as many colors as I can to my life!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Trivial Miscellaneous:
The last few days have been spent doing lots of things, besides watching Kara in the evenings. On Monday since it was raining, I cleaned and purged my bookshelves. I took all my Danielle Steele and Nora Roberts books down and readied them to take to the used book store to trade.
Today we went to the used book store. Several years of reading ended up yielding me about $45.00 of credit and I had to use it all or I had to pay half of my bill. I kind of feel like I got gypped. I ended up getting about 20 books, for about 60 books. I don't know where else I would have gotten rid of them though so, I guess it's ok. I don't regret getting rid of them though, and I have lots of space on my bookshelves now, and a lot less to dust! It was something that I had been wanting to do for a long time, and now I can cross it off my list, so that is good. Now I want to start on the closet and throw lots of clothes away or either take them to Good Will. I'll just have to take a day and get it done, and then take all of the bags to Good Will the next day.

Ready To work:
We're ready to start working on our kitchenette for the apartment. As soon as I paint the other wall, we can install the cabinets and the sink. I will be so glad that I won't have to carry my dishes to the main kitchen in the house, or to the fiver to wash them. That way we won't have to go into the house at all so we can leave our son to his privacy. I think we have just about everything we need to finish up the kitchen. I can't wait to get started, and since the next 3 days are supposed to be in the low 80's it seems like a good time to do it, because I can cook in the fiver. Today we also went to Lowe's and got some things. I finally got the wooden screen door that I had been wanting. Mike will have to cut it down a little bit for a good fit, and then I can paint it. Now we will have some way of getting fresh air into our apartment, besides just leaving the door open and letting the flies and bugs fly in. Mike is happy he finally got his new brad nail gun and his staple gun that runs off his air pump. So we both got something we wanted today! It was almost like Christmas for us! LOL! In the next few days we will get the bathroom ceiling up and the trim done which Mike assures me will go much faster now that he has the right tools and his new air guns that shoot brads and staples! LOL! We'll see, and I'll have to let ya know about that! Ha Ha!

Well it's getting close to time for me to round up Kara and get her over to their apartment so she has time to shower and then we'll read the Amish story we have been reading, just a couple of chapters before her bedtime everynight. She is really getting into the story, it's about a little girl named Polly that is eleven, so she likes it. I'm hoping to get her to love reading eventually! After that I usually sit and read until my son gets home from work. I miss all my friends at the RV Dreams chat room, and I would be there chatting with ya all if my son had Internet, but right now he doesn't. So I feel like I'm missing out on all the news and happenings going on in chat. So a big HELLO to all of you and I hope I get the chance to chat for a while this weekend! Until then travel safe, and take care...

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