About US

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This the story of our journey, Into Something Good, going Somewhere Over the Rainbow, and trying to Hold Onto Our Dreams. How we got on the way to becoming HALF time RVers! Our Ford 350 super duty diesel truck is our horses, we call it the Beast . Our 2008 34'7" 3 slide Cedar Creek Silverback fifth wheel is our Prairie Schooner Wagon,we call it the Bear. Just like the first RVers, the Pioneers of Yesteryear traveling around the country searching for a rich full filling life! Come along with us for the ride and read about our triumphs and mishaps along the way! About to be Part time RVers in a Cedar Creek Silverback 2008, 34'7", 3 slide 5th wheel, which is our Prairie Schooner Wagon, and a 2006 Ford 350 super duty 1 ton diesel truck is our horses, or oxen, only we have to feed it diesel instead of grass, and oats, which costs a lot more! Retired Air Force empty nesters off to see the good ole USA! Favorite Quote: "Life is a Blank Canvas, Made For Me to Add the Colors" Goal: I am trying to add as many colors as I can to my life!

Monday, May 19, 2008


We got up Sunday and the sun was shining, and we decided to move the fiver to my brother's driveway so it would be easy taking off in the morning. Before we got the trailer moved, it got dark and clouded up like it was going to storm. So we waited until about 3:00p.m. to move it. The Clouds and the storm blew over and when we got it moved, rather than setting everything back up we just decided to go ahead and come home. I have found out that I can't stay in the trailer without the jacks all set up. It does something to my equilibrium, at least I think that's what it is, cos I get really dizzy and sick at my stomach, must be motion sickness. Just having movement when someone walks seems to do it. Anyway, like I said we just made a spur of the moment decision and came home. We could have just as easily stayed another week. Man, do I like being free and able to do what we want! I was missing my dog, Dutchess, and the birds though!

Today we went to the base, and then stopped at the used bookstore on the way home. I was able to get a Debbie Macomber that I hadn't read, and then I bought a couple of books by Karen Harper who writes suspense stories, that I wanted to see if I liked. Nora Roberts is one of my favorite authors, but she doesn't write fast enough for me so I'm looking for some other authors to read. I have always loved to read, so I have to make sure I have books for the road!

I am really getting excited, for the RV Dreams rally to get here! I can't wait to see and meet everyone from the chat room, and talk in person. I think it's going to be really fun, and the information we learn about is gonna be awesome! Just 2 more weekends to get through, and then we'll be on our way!

Today I packed up more of the kitchen stuff, and one or two more boxes, and the kitchen will be done! Then we have to start on the dreaded sewing/craft room! I'm not looking forward to moving my sewing table and all that entails, but I will be so glad when its done!

1 comment:

Speedy said...

We too are counting the days to the rally. It will be cool to chat and not type at the same time.

Joe and Sherri