About US

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This the story of our journey, Into Something Good, going Somewhere Over the Rainbow, and trying to Hold Onto Our Dreams. How we got on the way to becoming HALF time RVers! Our Ford 350 super duty diesel truck is our horses, we call it the Beast . Our 2008 34'7" 3 slide Cedar Creek Silverback fifth wheel is our Prairie Schooner Wagon,we call it the Bear. Just like the first RVers, the Pioneers of Yesteryear traveling around the country searching for a rich full filling life! Come along with us for the ride and read about our triumphs and mishaps along the way! About to be Part time RVers in a Cedar Creek Silverback 2008, 34'7", 3 slide 5th wheel, which is our Prairie Schooner Wagon, and a 2006 Ford 350 super duty 1 ton diesel truck is our horses, or oxen, only we have to feed it diesel instead of grass, and oats, which costs a lot more! Retired Air Force empty nesters off to see the good ole USA! Favorite Quote: "Life is a Blank Canvas, Made For Me to Add the Colors" Goal: I am trying to add as many colors as I can to my life!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Wally World & Book Store:
Yesterday we went to Wal-mart to get parrot food and a few other things we needed. After that we went to another used book store and I got some more books that I had on my list to read. We came home, I fixed dinner and then I sorta became a couch potato the rest of the evening.

The sun is out today, but it is rather a crisp day here in Ohio. More like fall than late spring. Also today we are in the WPAFB, flight path! Overhead lots of jets flying and circling. The pilots are probably doing touch and go landings today. We have seen the stealth fighter fly over several times here, and it is really neat! Gosh does anyone say neat anymore? There for awhile it was taboo, like all 60's words. I remember saying groovy alot, and fab, way out or far out, crazy man, outasite etc... you get the idea. I think awesome was an 80's or 90's word though. Funny how each generation has its own slang words for things! Wow, how did I get off track on that? LOL!!! It wasn't what I intended to write about!

Odds & Ends:
My kitchen here in the sticks and bricks is looking really bare! Only my canisters left to pack up now. It looks pretty sad and neglected! What a change, I didn't realize I had so much stuff! Amazing how you amass things over the years. We have lived in this house since June of 1978 so I guess, I had plenty of time to pile up things and collect stuff. The stuff that I can't seem to let go of will be stored in the garage for as long as it takes for me to let them go or we're forced to hang up our keys, by gas prices, or illness, or whatever the future holds for us. Either way we would have downsized. Our plans are to travel as much as we can while we still can! With gas prices the way they are now, we just won't be moving as often as we might have. Since our youngest Son wanted to buy the house it seemed like a good time to go for our dream of part time now/future full time by next January. Well that's it for now, time to get busy with everyday things like doing dishes etc...


Speedy said...

If Sherri and I can make a suggestion. Put all your stuff in boxes. Mark the boxes with the stuff that you know you will never part with and do not mark all the others. When you go back in a few months or years and you can't remember what is in the unmarked boxes toss them and you will never know that you miss them...Works

Joe and Sherri

A couple of newer paintings 2019 said...

Great idea from Joe and Sherri. Can't wait to hear what you're doing with your craft/sewing room. It was my most difficult room to dispose of things too.